Space Jam is a fun combination of animation and live games that brings the iconic character of the Clown and basketball legend Michael Jordan into the fantastical world of Looney Tunes. With incredible sports battles and humorous situations, the film offers endless entertainment for all generations.
Since 1999, Europosters has been one of the top sellers of posters, wall art prints and licensed merchandise gifts in the Czech Republic and throughout Europe too. We offer a huge selection of movie, game or sports posters of all sizes as well as wide range of original gifts for true fans of Star Wars, Harry Potter, comics or the whole Warner Bros family. We know that mugs, figurines, puzzles and clothes are the best gift for everyone, regardless of age or interest. But if you are a fan of interior design, then you are in the right place too! On a daily basis we print wall murals, illustrations, photographs and art reproductions and send them to more than 25 countries to keep our customers happy.
Call: +44 20 3996 3131
Monday – Friday ǀ 6:00am – 4:00pm (UK time)
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